Tuesday, September 8, 2009


So..  Ann came over yesterday.  And she brought pieces enough to make probably over a hundred buttons.. and she brought over her very own button press! and she brought pens and a little watercolor kit.. and she done strained us some kava, yo!  Wow.. it pretty much goes without saying, but "We like Ann!"
"I just ordered a thousand more of these guys.." she squeezes through a mischievous grin.  "Let's make some Wells merch!"
 And make, we did.. About a handful of buttons.  Although, I feel it is safe to say that the quality of the buttons far exceeded the quantity.  The most important thing here, is that we all enjoyed ourselves.. in the company of ourselves, while creating.. art?  Right?  Right.  So, be on the look out for Eyeball Burp! and Wells of People buttons!  And once you get your hands on some.. you can pin them on your bookbag, or your favorite hat!  Use one to mend a broken zipper or a relationship on the rocks! ..well, probably not a relationship on the rocks.. but maybe..

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